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AskDrSears.com is intended to help parents become better informed consumers of health care. The information presented in this site gives general advice on parenting and health care.
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Do you ever wish you could get advice from Martha Sears? Well, now you can! She is an RN, co-author of over 25 books, and mother of eight children.
Meet Dr. William Sears, Martha Sears, RN, Dr. Jim Sears, Dr. Bob Sears and Dr. Pete Sears.
Bathing baby takes practice. Here are suggestions to make this time easy and enjoyable.
Learn how the nutrients in breast milk can positively contribute to your baby’s microbiome.
Tips to help you get through the sleepless nights and experience joy as a new mom.
Here are five ideas to build your family’s immunity and protect yourselves during flu season.
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